Ammonium Chloride 5 Pound Value Pack. Ammonium Chloride is used as a feed additive to help prevent and treat urinary calculi. Ammonium Chloride can be added to feed, water, or administered in an oral drench. As a feed additive, Ammonium Chloride is generally added at a rate of 1 pound Ammonium Chloride per 100 pounds of feed. For addition in smaller increments, it is commonly fed at a rate of 1tsp per head per day.
Urinary Calculi in sheep and goats is primarily an issue experienced by males. Calcium to phosphorus ratios is the primary cause of urinary calculi. In order to prevent urinary calculi, a ratio of 2 to 1, calcium to phosphorus should be maintained at all times. Supplemental phosphorus should be avoided as much as possible with males. Foundation feed makes a mineral specifically for males which contains no phosphorus.
Urinary calculi are well noted in castrated males and show stock as well. Early castration in males is thought to slow the growth of the urethra and therefore increases the incidents of stones becoming trapped. Female sheep and goats can and do experience urinary calculi, however they are able to pass most of these freely due to a large, short urethra.
Read a university article regarding urinary calculi here
Another consideration which can help offset the calcium to phosphorus imbalance is adding simple barn lime which is 99% calcium.
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